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163 Albany Turnpike
Canton, CT, 06019
United States


Soccer and Beyond is a screen printing and embroidery shop.  We offer custom apparel and merchandise to clubs, businesses and organizations.  We are located in Canton CT on route 44.  

Apache Company Hooded Sweatshirt

Club Products

Apache Company Hooded Sweatshirt


Apache Company Hooded Sweatshirt

from $30.00

Apache Company Hooded Sweatshirt

Screen printed design front and back.

Product Description

Our Sport-Wick technology transforms anti-static fleece into an excellent warm up and cool down option. Your top layer releases moisture from inner layers, while keeping your skin comfortably dry.

  • 5.5-ounce, 100% polyester

  • Tag-free label

  • Three-panel hood

  • Self-fabric hood lining

  • Taped neck

  • Dyed-to-match drawcord with metal tips

  • Front pouch pocket

  • Self-fabric cuffs and hem

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